Would you share the use of your products with an example?
We ask you to specifically mention a request made by a customer. In Massive Bio service, especially somatic, solid cancer types are cancer types such as lung, pancreas and stomach, and we can help every ill of every cancer of the cancer. Online cancer patients can access Massive Bio directly. It works with hospitals, clinics, oncology centers and can provide services to doctors and doctors. In addition, we are creating permits for drug companies to make more effective drugs and provide insurance companies with more affordable disease policies in the data platform we create with permission. Cancer Treatment of America, which supports more than 150,000 cancer patients, can lead us to a part of patients by utilizing our experience and experience. We have a business alliance with Anatolia Health Center in Turkey. As of the end of 2016, we have helped about 350 patients, and we have reached agreement with 9 corporate companies. Massive Bio aims to increase this number to 1000 by 2017.
In which countries do you operate or cooperate outside of Turkey?
US-based and employees’ ties as an American company, the vast majority of our illnesses are made up of patients from cancer groups in cancer centers in the United States. We also provided local support to approximately 30 patients in Turkey, and in part we assisted in the free participation of clinical trials in the United States. Apart from that, we have been in Greece, Northern Cyprus, England, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Colombia, Romania, Brazil and Russian speaking countries and our work continues with local or regional partners. Taking into account all the personal information of a cancer patient, the main applications of the treatment, the response of the disease to the drugs, we prepare the treatment suggestion map and report on our online platform. We think that by bringing together technology and its own scientists in the field, it is easy to increase the life span of cancer patients and to put economic advantages according to the ongoing treatment processes. In addition, patients who have previously been diagnosed with a similar disease, and the results compared with the results of the patient’s doctor can be evaluated online. Our algorithm; (Such as Dana Farber and Fox Chase) and companies (such as Thomson Reuters). Based on the characteristics of the patient’s gene map, we only offer specific diagnosis and treatment options for that person; We can also improve the algorithm according to the reaction that patients gave to treatments.
Massive Bio Founders
Contact us free of charge to support you in your cancer treatment with the best US oncologists, create the best treatment route map for you without leaving your home.