ASCO- Closing the rural care gap. Massive Bio-CTCA is joining forces with other world-class organizations to ensure every patient receives the best care possible, regardless of where they live or their ability to pay.
ASCOconvos. Yesterday, I had the pleasure to attend the State of the Cancer Care in America meeting in DC focusing on closing the rural cancer care gap. Massive thank you to hashtagASCO for focusing on this important topic and bringing new initiatives. The prosperity of the country is measured by its weakest link. Improvement in rural cancer care will allow better outcomes for the patients, homogenize access and increase US’ competitiveness in cancer care. At Massive Bio, we are 100% committed to de-bottleneck healthcare system and fight religiously to bring cutting edge treatments and clinical trials to patients regardless of their location and financial stability. As always with the Day 1 spirit. Please join us! hashtagclinicaltrials hashtagoncology, hashtagartificialinteligence, hashtagvirtualtumorboard, hashtagruralhealth, hashtagProjectECHO, hashtagNCI, hashtagCDC, National Rural Health Association, hashtagSYNERGY-AI, hashtaghealthpolicy