Monday, March 4, 2019
Re: AACR Annual Meeting 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia
Abstract Control Number: 7271
Title: SYNERGY-AI: Artificial intelligence based precision oncology clinical trial matching and registry
Dear Dr. Kurnaz:
Your above-referenced clinical trial abstract has been scheduled for presentation in a Poster Session at the AACR Annual Meeting 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia, and will be published online in the 2019 Proceedings of the AACR. Presentation information pertaining to your abstract is below:
Session Title: Phase I-III Trials in Progress: Part 3
Session Date and Time: Tuesday Apr 2, 2019 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Session Location: Georgia World Congress Center, Exhibit Hall B, Poster Section 17
Poster Board Number: 12
Permanent Abstract Number: CT218 [Place this number on your poster.]
Instructions for Presenters in Poster Sessions are provided below. Please check the AACR website for additional information.
PLEASE NOTE: The AACR Annual Meeting 2019 begins on Friday, March 29
Educational sessions will begin at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29 and will continue through Saturday, March 30.
Embargo Information Please note that your abstract is under strict embargo. The content of your abstract must be kept confidential until it is made publicly available. In accordance with the AACR’s embargo policy, the title of your late-breaking abstract will be posted to the AACR Online Itinerary Planner at 4:30 PM ET on Wednesday, February 27, and the complete text of your abstract will be posted at 3:00 PM ET on Friday, March 29. Abstracts that have been selected for inclusion in the AACR press program will be made publicly available at the date and time of presentation, either at the meeting or an official AACR press conference. After the meeting, your abstract will be published in an online-only supplement to the AACR journal Cancer Research.
Registration and Housing Poster presenters at the AACR Annual Meeting must register for the full meeting at the rate appropriate to their membership status and obtain their own hotel accommodations. Registration and housing information are included below:
Note Regarding Annual Meeting Housing
There is currently a wait list for Annual Meeting hotels; however, abstract presenters will be given priority status. Please visit the hotel reservation site below and place your name on the waiting list as soon as possible. You will receive a housing confirmation within the next few weeks.
Get Information on Air and Ground Transportation
Discounted Poster Creation/Printing and Delivery Service
The AACR has selected Call4Posters as its preferred poster printing service partner for the 2019 Annual Meeting. Presenters are encouraged to take advantage of this simple, convenient way to print their posters and pick them up onsite at the meeting in Atlanta. Delivery is 100% guaranteed; avoid airport hassles and worries about shipping it yourself.
Free PowerPoint templates will be available to help you build your poster, or you can simply upload your existing file for this high quality professional printing service. To avoid rush charges, poster printing orders must be placed by 10:00 a.m. ET on Monday, March 25.
Session Format
Presenters will be admitted to the poster area beginning 30 minutes before the start of each session to hang their posters. Poster sessions last for four hours, and posters must remain on the assigned board for this entire period. Presenters must remain at their posters for only the first three hours. During the fourth hour presenters are free to examine the other posters or to attend other sessions. Poster materials must be removed immediately at the end of the session; posters left on the boards after sessions will not be saved.
Poster Format
Poster boards have a usable area of 7.75 feet in width and 3.75 feet in height (approximately 2.3 meters wide and 1.1 meters high). Each presentation should contain a top panel listing the abstract number, the title of the abstract and the names of the authors.
Withdrawal of Presentations
Presenters who are unable to attend the meeting should inform the AACR office in writing [Email: [email protected]]. Withdrawal requests must be received by 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, February 28, 2019.
For more information, visit the AACR Annual Meeting 2019 home page.